What is CS106M?

CS106M is an enrichment companion course for CS106B students who are eager to explore additional topics and go further in their study of the course material. We will work collaboratively and learn from one another and have fun!

CS106M is open to students who are co-registered for CS106B. Enrollment is limited to 30 students. Your fearless leaders are Michael Chang and Julie Zelenski.

This one-unit, CR/NC course will be run as a seminar and meet once a week for 80 minutes. Our meetings will mostly consist of group discussions, hands-on activities, and collaborative coding. There may be some prep work before class meetings (e.g. readings or videos to preview) and follow-up exercises to help deepen your understanding after the discussion.

To receive credit, students must be able to attend all weekly sessions and fully participate in discussions and activities. We are not able to support students who have schedule conflicts or incompatibilities.

CS106M is a companion to the CS106B "Programming Abstractions" course, which covers the study and application of powerful data structures and algorithms to computational problem solving. CS106M will follow along with the CS106B topic progression and dig into supplemental material that aligns with those topics. In our first meeting we will brainstorm areas and identify those that resonate with the interests of the cohort. Your input on choosing topics is welcomed! Any topic that connects to CS106B is fair game. Be sure to attend the first meeting so you can contribute your thoughts!